Sharing my thoughts, inspiration, and behind the scene of my designs. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mama Mia I'm Back!

Club 21 Formal Gown Macys

Sometimes in life we face many challenges, they can either take you under or over!
 last month I had to face my challenge dead on, with my son, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It literally made me question who or what do I believe? I choose to stand on the Promises of God. By doing that I learned about the importance of speaking life and believing in a good outcome.

After 13 hours of surgery on April 17, 2015 my son is a survivor and the tumor was benign. I am so grateful for the many prayers and thoughts and encouragement from many people all over the world. I saw how social media can bring people together. My son was touched by the many encouraging words and support that his media friends showed him doing this difficult time in his life.

Here are three lessons that I learned from this experience:

  1. Enjoy the people that you meet along the way because they can impart wisdom
  2. Live your lfe and celebrate yourself with small things
  3. Change your mindset and be careful of the words you speak over your situation and self

I will post some new goodies in my shop next week and stay positive!


Celebrating Go Red Day

                                           Yesterday was the kick off day of The American Heart Association Go Red Day to bring awareness of...

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