Sharing my thoughts, inspiration, and behind the scene of my designs. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Black and White Chic

I Love the look of black and white for the spring or summer. This is the perfect pallete to wear especially to a wedding, travel, or to a special event. I was inspired to design this clutch foldover bag to accent your black and white look. Just a note of thanks to my Polyvore set designers this clutch bag has been including in over 40 sets!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Birthday To You!

I want to share a life event, my daughter's birthday. She is the other designer half of 2chicdesigns. My business was inspired by her, when she told me to stop being lazy and start my handbag business. She was only 5yrs old at the time, and that was my "Aha moment". Sometimes you just have to jump in and take risk. I wanted to start this business so that my daughter and I could share our love of fashion. I hope you will stop by my etsy shop and order a 2chicdesign item.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Pink Makes the Fellows Wink!

This blog post is dedicated to Mr. Moses Hunter who lived a dapper life of 98 years. He was always dressed to the nines and the one thing I remembered was his quote " Pink makes the fellows wink". He was absolutely right!

Celebrating Go Red Day

                                           Yesterday was the kick off day of The American Heart Association Go Red Day to bring awareness of...

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