Sharing my thoughts, inspiration, and behind the scene of my designs. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, April 7, 2017

April Dreams!

Last Sunday my husband and I had the opportunity to go to the National Museum of African History and Culture in Washington, DC. The museum is very impressive it covers the journey of slavery up until now. I remembered as a young girl what it meant to fight for equal opportunities and in my household my parents were advocates of education. It was important that my sisters and I received equal treatment, which meant we were going to college.
I remembered being integrated into a predominantly white school, that was composed of a large Jewish student body. I was treated equal and never experienced racism in the school I attended.
What brought back memories to me was Martin Luther King and how my church family would pray and fast for breakthroughs and the rights that white Americans enjoyed, that we blacks would have the same freedoms. Also seeing the hate crimes of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Alabama was very emotional for me as a child, and even and adult.


My BFF theeageofgrace coordinated this amazing historic adventure. There is so much to see that you need a few days to go see it entirely, and then some.

When I returned home I had to put finishing touches on a very large order I received from the Brooklyn Museum. Some of my bags will be featured in their gift shop! I am so excited because one of my goals this year is to have my bags featured in a major gallery.
Dreams do come true!



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