Today marks the launch of the first annual Fierce 50 Campaign. As women over 50, we are coming together in a supportive collaborative community to honor and celebrate one another and to share with the world what it means to be a woman at midlife and beyond
“You are never too young to star an empire, and never too old to start a new dream”
Say hello to Julie Dionne Harbour! She is a 52 years young, child of God, wife, mother, grandmother, personal stylist/style blogger, and lover of all things beautiful!
When Julie got wind of the #thefierce50campaign, she thought to herself what a wonderful forum to encourage fellow 50+ sisters and to proclaim to the world that WE are here, and WE matter!
Julie considers herself to be a late bloomer in terms of finding out who she is or better yet, fighting to become her true self. She found herself feeling a major void when her last child completed her final year of undergrad studies. She had given many years to ensuring her children would have a fighting chance in life after the end of a tumultuous 16 year marriage. Many might have said those were her best years. But she is here to exclaim, that her best years are here and yet to come!
During her first marriage, Julie was abused verbally, and made to feel unattractive and stupid. Multiple years of hearing unkind words from the person that was supposed to love her, put her self-esteem in the toilet, not to mention what the world thought about her dark skin. It wasn't until she was out of the marriage that she truly began to know her self-worth. She was amazed to find that by stepping away from a toxic environment her life path became very clear.
After divorce, she soon remarried to a wonderful guy, who became a driving force in helping push her children to the next level. But still, her life was all about nurturing those around her instead of herself. This is a dynamic many women face as they raise their families.
So, when the empty nest syndrome kicked in, she found herself lost, but also ironically found! She asked herself, what now? She prayed for guidance and a new pathway that was true to who she is.
Julie gives a lot of credit to her awesome sister friends and niece who pushed and encouraged her. They saw the natural talents she possessed, even when she questioned her own abilities. She questioned the validity of her passion, and having others she loved in question; did not help. Was this too shallow, a promotion of vanity, would God approve? Was 51 too old to begin a new business venture? She forged ahead and along the way, (even when she was on the verge of throwing in the towel) God validated her every turn through unsolicited affirmations and business collaborations!
In January of 2016, Stylish Paradox (Personal Styling Services for the Refined Woman) was launched! The mission of her business is to encourage and uplift woman over 40 to be confident and comfortable in their skin, despite what society or anyone individual is saying about who you are. Woman of a certain age should be empowered and know that they are relevant!
Stylish Paradox styles: 1) the woman who is constantly on the go and may not have the time to shop for herself and; 2) the woman who may detest going into a mall or retail store; 3) the woman who needs wardrobe revitalization. Julie’s expertise is in ensuring the clothing she puts her clients in are beautiful and complimentary to their evolving body type. For more information on her styling services and/or to subscribe to her style blog, go to She would love to see you!
Julie knows firsthand that no matter how trivial you think your passion is, how old you are, and no matter how life has tried to beat you down, know that God’s word is true:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
#jointhemovement and stay empowered. You are beautiful #fierce50!
To check out the other women of the #thefierce50campaign, click on the links below:
If you have enjoyed reading this blog post and learning more about The Fierce 50 Campaign, please visit this page to see an archive where you will find each of the women that are participating in The Fierce 50 along with their blog posts. If you or someone you know is interested in either joining or supporting the movement, please contact for more information. We have lots more planned for this year and beyond so, stay tuned everyone.
Heres to Flourishing and Growing!
Cynthia Lawson

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