Sharing my thoughts, inspiration, and behind the scene of my designs. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Beach Bag A Go Go!

Recently my daughter and I took a road trip to Rehobath Beach, and it is absolutely gorgeous!
It was difficult finding a parking space, so we drove around the quaint town looking for a parking lot ugh!
Finally one of the local's directed us to a parking which was $7 for the day. The area surrounding the lot was very rustic and the beach reminded me of all those childhood memories when my Mom and Dada would wake up at 3:00 am to prepare our picnic beach lunch, Fried Chicken sandwiches on white bread, potato salad, corn on the cob, and for dessert pound cake.

While eating my lunch I enjoyed watching my Dad swim into the ocean and across the waves, he was an excellent and strong swimmer, i wanted to be like him but a giant wave washed me ashore and I ended up with sand in all the wrong places.

Today I would like to honor my Dad's Birthday he would have been 93 yrs. old today. I miss him so much because he was a wonderful Dad!

I was so inspired by my trip to the beach that I went home and created these big beach bags which holds lot's of stuff!  Enjoy!


  1. Your blog post reminds me of wonderful similar childhood memories when our family would pack up and go to Atlantic CIty! Your beach bags are beautiful!

  2. What a great childhood memory. Thanks


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